
Shipping Lines : MacGregor to supply equipment for NYK Line


Cargotec’s marine cargo handling business unit MacGregor has received a new equipment order for four vessels, which will be built for Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line) at the China Merchants Jinling Shipyard

The deliveries are expected to start during the fourth quarter of next year and will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023. Credit: Joachim Druwe from Pixabay

Cargotec’s marine cargo handling business unit MacGregor has received a new equipment order for four vessels, which will be built for Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line) at the China Merchants Jinling Shipyard.

The company stated that this order intake will be recorded in Cargotec’s first quarter of this year.

The deliveries are expected to start during Q4 2022 and will be completed in Q4 2023.

The scope of the order consists of several electrically operated equipment, quarter stern ramps and doors, internal ramps and covers, side ramps and doors, internal doors, and a liftable car deck.

The company revealed that its patented load monitoring system is also included in the order.

The load monitoring system is used for increasing the safe working load of the quarter-ramp by up to 50% without adding extra weight.

MacGregor merchant solutions division senior vice-president Magnus Sjöberg said: “We are very pleased that NYK Line has selected us and we are able to help them with the development of environmentally sustainable PCTC solutions.”

NYK Line technical group ship planning team deputy manager Tetsuya Kakinuma said: “We have a longstanding and good collaboration with MacGregor and we regard them as a professional, reliable and innovative solution provider for a more sustainable future.”

Last month, MacGregor signed a two-year OnWatch Scout Predict agreement with Greece-based shipping company Load Line Marine to aid the operation of its fleet furnished with MacGregor merchant cranes.

Reference : Ship Technology

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