On Saturday (May 29), the 2000th standard LNG cargo produced since the start-up of the first Russian LNG plant in 2009 was shipped to the Energy Advance gas carrier at the Prigorodnoye port.
Roman Dashkov, Chief Executive Officer of Sakhalin Energy noted that this result unprecedented in the history of Russian LNG production has been achieved due to a long-term uninterrupted operation of the entire gas chain of the Sakhalin-2 project and well-coordinated efforts of the international team of professionals.
Roman Dashkov noted that under the influence of external unfavourable factors during the pandemic Sakhalin Energy had to completely restructure the staff management activities in the company in the shortest time possible while simultaneously interfacing with the supervisory authorities. At the same time no mistakes were admitted that would lead to suspended production. Sakhalin Energy successfully completed all planned activities and even expanded the geography of supplies − for the first time in 2020, the Sakhalin LNG cargo was delivered to Singapore.
The buyer of the anniversary LNG cargo was the Japanese company Tokyo Gas which in 2009 together with another Japanese company − Tokyo Electric purchased the first LNG cargo from the Prigorodnoye asset where the Sakhalin-2 project LNG plant is located.
Japan is one of the key buyers of the Sakhalin LNG. Based on data as of the end of 2020, the largest volume of LNG was shipped to Japan from the Prigorodnoye port − 51.6%. The second-place − Taiwan (17.4%), the third − South Korea (16.3%), and the fourth − China (14.1%).
Since the start-up of the LNG plant, Sakhalin Energy produced and shipped about 130 million tonnes of LNG at the Prigorodnoye asset as of early May 2021.
LNG is transported by specialized ice-class LNG carriers chartered on a long-term basis. One standard LNG cargo is 65 000 tonnes.