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Accidents : Investigation about the gangway on the foloatel Endurance in North Sea

Petroleum Safety Authority, a Norwegian regulator, has launched an investigation into an incident on February 29, 2020, where the gangway on the Floatel Endurance became disconnected

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The accommodation rig was connected to the Martin Linge facility in the North Sea when the incident occurred, which includes the self-disconnection of gangway from the rig as result of motion controls activation due to rough weather. 

Floatel Endurance is equipped with telescopic hydraulic gangway. It is 38.0 m in length with a telescopic action of +/- 7.5 m allowing the vessel to remain connected in severe weather.

PSA confirmed that, no personal injuries were suffered. 

The cause of the incident is so far unknown and PSA’s investigation team drawn from its specialist staff is now starting work.

Scrutiny will be directed both at Floatel International, which operates Floatel Endurance, and at Equinor as operator for Martin Linge. The latter has consent to use Floatel Endurance for offshore accommodation.

In connection with its investigation, the PSA will be looking into followings: 

  • Carefully review and clarify the course of events
  • Uncover and  describe actual and potential consequences of the incident
  • Identify its direct and underlying causes
  • Clarify responsibilities
  • Use the necessary enforcement powers to correct possible regulatory breaches
  • Present the results of the investigation to the public
  • Contribute to experience transfer to and learning by other petroleum industry players.

The North Sea Martin Linge field is an oil and gas discovery made in 1978. The field is located 42 kilometers west of Oseberg, in the water depth of 115 meters.

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