eBlue_economy_The Danish Coastal Authority orders a new survey ship from Tuco Marine – ProZero Workboats
With 34 years on the ocean and countless nautical miles in the logbook, the Coastal Authority well- deserved survey ship, EKKO, will have a new replacement, according to The Danish Coastal Authority’s release. It was Tuco Marine, Denmark that won the EU tender for the construction of the new survey ship. It is expected to be launched next year.
The Coastal Authority has entered into a contract with Tuco Marine, for the new construction of an advanced survey ship. The ship will be part of the Coastal Authority’s work with ongoing surveying of Danish waters and collection of data on coastal development. The data collection provides important knowledge, among other things, for the work with climate adaptation and coastal protection.
The new surveying vessel will be equipped with A-frame for towed sensors and the latest, updated model of the so-called multi-beam echo sounder, which can measure the seabed with millimeter accuracy down to just over 200 meters depth. The ship itself is specially built for the harsh weather conditions on the West Coast, where a large part of the survey takes place.
The almost 15 m long ship with two powerful inboard engines of a total of 1,000 HP is built in carbon fiber and reinforced, so it can withstand sailing into very shallow water depths and even regular grounding as such is an important part of the vessels daily tasks. The price for the new ship is expected to be in the region of DKK 10 million. DKK including the advanced measuring equipment.
The tender process has been going on for the last six months, and the primary attorney to the Danish stat has assisted the Danish Coastal Authority in carrying out the tender. Hauschildt Marine A/S has also assisted with ship technical advice in the tender process and will now manage the construction process until the delivery of the finished ship next year.