Bureau Veritas has been reconfirmed as a leader in MSCI’s Global ESG Rating, showing marked improvement over the previous year’s score
MSCI has rated Bureau Veritas for environmental, social responsibility and governance (ESG) performance since 2016, upgrading the Group from A to AA last year. In 2021, Bureau Veritas has been confirmed as an industry leader among 23 companies in the professional services industry, according to MSCI’s annual evaluation campaign.
The Group’s score jumped from 6.4 points in July 2020 to 7.3 in May 2021—a result of an increase in the Social pillar score related to human capital development and privacy and data security. Detailed information on MSCI ESG ratings is available here.
MSCI ESG Research assigns ratings to global publicly traded companies and to a range of private companies, assessing their ESG risks, and companies’ ability to manage those risks relative to competitors.
At Bureau Veritas, we are committed to being a more sustainable company and a model for the industry in this area. The ratings and awards we receive encourage us to maintain our efforts and to continuously improve in the area of sustainability.
As a service company, Bureau Veritas also provides all business sectors with a wide range of sustainability services and solutions, enabling clients to address growing challenges in this field through our Green Line.