
Classifications : Main steps to reduce Panamanian Ship detentions by PSC

The reviews of the 2019 Panamanians vessels performance, shown an increased number of detentions in some regions. Therefore, the Panama Maritime Authority issued revised marine circular to provide advice on how to reduce Port State Control (PSC) detentions of Panama flagged vessels, with the cooperation of recognized organizations, shipowners and ship operators as well as other interested parties.

In order to comply with safety, security and environmental regulations for a better maritime industry, there no place in our registry for substandard vessels; which can affect directly our flag reputation in all the Port State Control Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs). the Panama Maritime Authority highlighted.

As explained, RO’s are responsible for a permanent verification of MoU´s websites to determine the status of vessels under its supervision. Namely, RO’s are responsible for the handling of detentions, including the investigation, analysis and determination of deficiencies root-cause, recommendations including preventive/corrective actions and follow actions to avoid future occurrence of major detentions, all information shall be sent to the Port State Control section as soon as possible to avoid delays to the vessel.

RO’s surveyors on board Panama flagged vessels shall be paid attention to the following main items including on the “Top Deficiencies” (most frequent detainable deficiencies) on MoU´s annual reports, but not limited to:

1.Validity of all Statutory Certificates (including annual/intermediate
2. Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) in general.
3. Lifeboat falls (including renewal and reversal dates).
4. Liferafts servicing (dates).
5. Fire Fighting Systems & Equipment (in general).
6. Emergency Fire Pumps (last test).
7. Fire detention & alarm system(last service)

  1. Pyrotechnics (expiry date or expiration date).
    9. Records of weekly/monthly drills and equipment inspections (log book’s
    entries, SMS records).
    10. Nautical Publications & Charts (up to date).
    11. Oil Record Book + Oil Filtering Equipment (MARPOL 73/78 Annex I).
    12. Any outstanding statutory items and/or conditions of class (verify last class
    13. Personnel Familiarization & Responsibility (ISM Code – Section 6).
    14. Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment (ISM Code – Section 10).
    15. Working & Living Conditions (MLC, 2006).

In this regard, Ship-Owners, operators, technical manager and Company Designated Person Ashore (DPA) together with Ship’s Master are responsible to establish on board a pre-arrival verification, taken into account the items mentioned on the previous paragraph; which must be verified at least 24 hours before arrival at ports in order to avoid detentions and deficiencies.

The objective evidence about these pre-arrival verifications conducted by the vessel, shall be maintained on board the vessel at all the time as evidence; which can be presented at request of Flag State inspector during the Annual Safety Inspection (ASI).

If an extraordinariness issues, such as equipment failures or any others situations that cannot be resolve on board of the vessel immediately; Ship-Owners, operators, technical managers, DPA together or vessel´s Master, shall immediately coordinate the effective corrective actions, together with the vessel Recognized Organization (R.O,) and Segumar Offices.

At the same time, PSC Authority shall be informed as requested by regulation 11 “Maintenance of conditions after survey”, SOLAS Chapter I.

The Panama Maritime Authority highlights that in order to improve the information exchange regarding Port State Control (PSC)
Inspections to Panamanian Flagged vessels, ship operators need to  send immediately all PSC Inspection Reports as well as the corrective actions taken onboard to Port State Control Section.

The PSC section accepts as corrective actions: 1. The format used by the company safety management system; describing the
deficiencies, corrective actions, root cause analysis and preventive actions taken. ; 2. The Occasional Survey (OS) report format issued by the RO (,) who performed the visit of the vessel to verified the deficiencies raised and the corrective actions.

International Register of Shipping is a recognized Organization approved for the issuance of the Class Certificate by Panama Maritime Authority. Users of the Panamanian Registry can contact #INTLREG at [email protected] for any requirements related to the Class Certificates in accordance with the provisions of the International Conventions ratified by the Republic of Panama.

Press – release 

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