Egypt Is One of Biggest Consumer Electronics Markets in MENA Region
Fitch Solutions classified Egypt as one of the biggest consumer electronics markets in the Middle East and Africa.
The repercussions of COVID-19 have been overcome; the world economy is recovering; and the vaccination rates are increasing. Therefore, the consumer electronics market in Egypt flourished and grew by 9.9% in 2021, compared to 0.3% in 2020.
Digital Transformation: From Smartphone to Fifth-generation Society
On another head, Dr. Khaled Kazem, Assistant Professor of Political Sociology at Sohag University, discusses in an article published at IDSC the digital transformation witnessed by the globe. The scope, pace, and depth of digital transformation can be described as unprecedented in all fields. Within this aspect, he discusses in detail the concept of fifth-generation
Since its inception, human society has witnessed four generations of societies: the grazing and hunting society, the agricultural society, the industrial society, and the information society. With the massive digital transformation over the past two decades, there has been a debate on a fifth-generation of societies, called Society 0.5, and translated into the concept of “fifth-generation society”. The 5G concept goes beyond the smart city and heralds a super-smart society.
It is worth mentioning that the concept of the fifth-generation society was introduced at the beginning of January 2016. The Japanese government issued the fifth plan of science and technology, in which it introduced a vision aimed at building a future society that is guided by scientific and technological innovation, through a complementary initiative between the physical space as well as electronic space, in addition, to get the benefit of information and communication technology to establish highly intelligent society.