
EVENTS : Port of Koper (Luka Koper) Logistics & Supply Chain Koper

eBlue_economy_Port of Koper (Luka Koper) Logistics
Is short-sea-shipping an alternative to the road transport in these days? While operations at Koper port continue unhindered, we are noticing some changes on inland cargo flows.
As long-distance trucking in these days is facing some slowdown – especially due measures implemented across national borders (stricter controls and longer waiting times, smaller border crossing being closed) and mandatory transiting in convoys in some parts of EU – we can report that some customers, as a measure of precaution, have shifted some more cargo to the rail.

eBlue_economy_ Port of Koper (Luka Koper) Logistics & Supply Chain Koper

In organizing of your cargo deliveries across southern Europe, we would like to remind you about some interesting short-see-shipping options from Koper: – Thessaloniki -> Koper 8 days – Piraeus -> Koper (or v.v.) 3 days – Gioia Tauro -> Koper 3 days (or 2 days v.v.) – Izmir -> Koper (5 days) – Gemlik -> Koper or v.v. (5 days) – Koper -> Mersin 5 days
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