eBlue_economy_IMarEST Explores panel discussion event on _Wellbeing Challenges in Maritime
London, UK. As part of Mental Health Awareness week, on 10 May 2021, IMarEST has put together an IMarEST Explores panel discussion on ‘Wellbeing Challenges in Maritime’ to be attended by Human Rights at Sea as part of the discussion.
In 2020 an industry-wide survey on seafarer wellbeing showed that 54% of seafarers felt they were not being actively helped to manage stress and fatigue. This is with the backdrop of a significant crew-change crisis impacting both seafarers and their families during a tumultuous year. But seafarer mental health and wellbeing has been an area of concern well before the pandemic, with issues such as isolation, fatigue, and stress being commonly reported.
The panel will explore the mental health and wellbeing challenges faced by those who work in the maritime industry and how the industry can begin to address these challenges, provide support and promote positive wellbeing.
Attendees, will have the opportunity to ask questions of the panel, and to join afterwards for an optional post-event interactive networking session, where they can meet other attendees from around the world.
HRAS Abstract for Global Conference
“The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a significant catalyst for drawing essential attention to the welfare of seafarers. This includes increasing mental health support services and employer welfare provisions. Nonetheless, the fact that it has taken a pandemic to accelerate fundamental human rights and labour rights issues throughout the industry needs objective and independent review as does the effect that a lack of support has resulted in avoidable management failures.
These have been reflected in often unacceptable working pressures, black-listing, allegations of forced labour, abandonment, debt through failure to pay wages, and seafarer suicides. Further, the effect on families requires better exposure due to the ramifications for those who themselves rely upon seafarers often as the main earner in both immediate and extended households.
The ripple effect of a lack of comprehensive welfare considerations, protections, and worker support can no longer be hidden behind corporate veils as the facts of the last 12 months speak for themselves. This assumes that the shipping industry, as a collective body, is ready to honestly reflect upon its failures as much as it is promoting new initiatives.”