For the past two years, Maersk Drilling has spearheaded an innovative effort to develop a first-of-a-kind product to support the digitalization of offshore drilling processes. The solution, known as RigFlow, has now been segregated into the digitally-focused company named Horizon56 A/S to drive further development and commercialization. Horizon56 has been founded as a fully-owned Maersk Drilling subsidiary, with the ambition overtime to attract strategic investors to further develop the company and its products and services.
The RigFlow solution standardizes and digitalizes the core workflows involved in the good construction process within offshore drilling operations, including real-time exchange of information between energy companies’ onshore planning units, the offshore drilling operations teams operating the rig, and the service companies supporting the operations. Other benefits of RigFlow include a convenient and user-friendly solution for providing digitalized drilling instructions, as well as automated reporting of data and insights to support quicker and deeper analysis of drilling operations.
“From our dialogues with global oil and gas operators we see that the timing for the RigFlow offering fits well with market trends, and we expect global demand to build over the years to come. We’re thrilled to be part of driving industry digitalization forward, and our product roadmap includes additional exciting solutions that will increase the value creation for operators and contractors even further,“ says Esben Thorup, the Managing Director of Horizon56 who previously led the development of RigFlow within Maersk Drilling.
Solution tested and developed in collaboration with leading offshore operators
Originally called Drilling Process Platform (DPP), RigFlow has been scoped and developed by Maersk Drilling’s Innovation team from early ideation and validation in 2019. Following extensive operational and market research, the solution has been designed, tested, and now deployed across several Maersk Drilling rigs. Scoping and development have been performed in collaboration with digital leaders in the oil and gas sector, including Aker BP and Equinor.
“This is a natural step for the RigFlow solution and team. Horizon56 will become the first digital company that solely focuses on creating an industry-leading solution for offshore, and by doing so we ensure that it has the necessary agility to operate and quickly adapt to market trends, as well as enabling the team to independently engage with the market in the pursuit of customers, partnerships, and investors. I’m proud to be able to present this result of our continuous innovation efforts and Smarter Drilling for Better Value strategy, and I look forward to the journey ahead,” says Marika Reis, Chief Innovation Officer, Maersk Drilling.
“The RigFlow solution is a testament to our desire to push the boundaries of the offshore drilling industry. The positive operational impact from RigFlow that we have seen so far is great, supporting more competitive energy production with an overall lower carbon footprint. This remains critical for us and our customers and I’m sure that we’re still only scratching the surface of what can be achieved through digital solutions. I look forward to the continued digitalization of our operations and of the industry at large, and RigFlow will be an important part of that journey,” says Morten Kelstrup, Chief Operating Officer, Maersk Drilling.
About Horizon56
The purpose of Horizon56 is to develop and provide digital solutions and services to both oil and gas companies and drilling contractors, with a goal to branch out to adjacent markets outside the oil and gas sector.
The company’s first offering is the RigFlow solution which digitalizes core workflows including the information and data flow between the operator’s well plan and the offshore rig operations, and by doing so significantly increases efficiency and transparency for both onshore and offshore teams.
The new entity will continue to provide RigFlow services to Maersk Drilling, supporting the delivery of more efficient, consistent, and digitalized drilling operations to Maersk Drilling’s customers.
Horizon56 will have offices and employees located in Copenhagen, Stavanger and Aberdeen, and support customers globally.
About Maersk Drilling
With more than 45 years of experience operating in the most challenging offshore environments, Maersk Drilling (CSE: DRLCO) provides responsible drilling services to energy companies worldwide. Maersk Drilling owns and operates a fleet of 19 offshore drilling rigs and specializes in harsh environment and deepwater operations. Headquartered in Denmark, Maersk Drilling employs around 2,400 people. For more information about Maersk Drilling, visit