
News : Nevsky Shipyard delivers cargo-passenger vessel of Project PV22, Pavel Leonov,

eBlue_economy_Nevsky Shipyard delivers cargo-passenger vessel of Project PV22, Pavel Leonov

The acceptance/delivery certificate has been signed by Nevsky Shipyard and Sakhalinlizingflot today, May 14, in Schliesselburg

Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Yard (Nevsky Shipyard, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) says it has delivered the cargo-passenger vessel of Project PV22, Pavel Leonov, ordered by Sakhalinlizingflot. The acceptance/delivery certificate has been signed by Nevsky Shipyard and Sakhalinlizingflot today, May 14, in  Schliesselburg.
The vessels are built under the programme “Social and economic development of the Kuril islands in 2016-2025”.
The new concept offers higher maneuverability and improved icebreaking capacity as the ship’s design is based on rescue ship of Project MPSV07.

Nevsky Shipyard Launches New Ferry Pavel Leonov

The PV22 series vessels capacity: 146 passengers, general cargo, including containers with refrigerated cargo and Dangerous Goods (pack): the hold capacity was increased to 895 cbm; 24 containers (including 8 reefer containers) and six automobiles.
The ship is suitable for traveling of disabled people, including a special cabin for one or two passengers with disabilities and an accompanying person. The ferry is also outfitted with a cargo crane for handling cargo to non-equipped shore. The new concept offers higher maneuverability and improved icebreaking capabilities as the ship’s design is based on rescue ship of Project MPSV07.
The Admiral Nevelskoy ferry, the lead freight and passenger ship of Project PV22, built by Nevsky Shipyard has already arrived in the port of Korsakov. The vessels are intended for transportation between the Kurile Islands and between the island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
Schliesselburg, Russia based Nevsky Shipyard (NSSZ) is one of the oldest enterprises of water transport in Russia’s North-West region, which has been building and repairing ships from 1952. Nevsky Shipyard’s production facilities are located on the left bank of the Neva River.
The shipyard builds sea-going and inland vessels and performs repair and maintenance of any types. Its own shiplift enables Nevsky Shipyard to launch and lift for drydocking 150-m-long, 4,800-tonne ships.
United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC OJSC) is the largest shipbuilding company in Russia. It was set up in 2007 with 100% federal ownership. The holding comprises 40 companies and organizations (major shipbuilding and shiprepairing companies as well as leading design bureaus). Currently, USC consolidates the bulk of the domestic shipbuilding complex. The Russian market is the main focus of the state corporation though it also exports its products to 20 countries worldwide.
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