
Port Of Gothenburg Remains Functional Despite COVID-19


port of Gothenburg

In order to keep the freight hub open and secure operations so that the port and freight handling in Gothenburg Port will work, some time ago, separate work teams have been introduced. These teams with key functions work apart, all with the purpose of having important competence in place and that the freight hub remains open.

Gothenburg harbor is closely following the development of the Coronavirus. Adjustments to the business are ongoing.

We do everything we can to ensure that the freight hub remains open for continued import and export via Scandinavia’s largest port. We are in a position where we need to put a lot of energy and energy into maintaining the functions we have in a normal situation.

Thanks to the measures taken and the great work done by everyone around the port, I can confirm that the business continues to operate without major disruptions in freight flow, says Elvir Dzanic, CEO of Gothenburg Port.

In order to keep the freight hub open and secure operations so that the port and freight handling in Gothenburg Port will work, some time ago, separate work teams have been introduced. These teams with key functions work apart, all with the purpose of having important competence in place and that the freight hub remains open.

The port was also the first among Sweden’s ports to request health declarations from calling vessels. Similarly, employees have been trained digitally in how to best avoid the virus in order to minimize the spread of the virus. Those who have the opportunity to work from home are encouraged to do so and in the slightest uncertainty if you feel bad you should stay at home.

We took action early. This has meant that we did not need to act prematurely but instead can overlook the situation, devote ourselves to adjustments now that the spread is larger and more difficult to predict. We have no idea that the port of Gothenburg will escape, but we feel confident thanks to the plans we have drawn up for how to keep the port open and have an endurance in this, says Elvir Dzanic

The terminals also look good in the terminals. The week started with the 400-meter marbles Merete Maersk calling at. 06:06 in Skandiahamnen, one of the vessels with direct calls from Sweden – Asia, which goes weekly. Half an hour later, at. 06:42, Magnolia Seaways arrived. This is one of the week’s all 20-30 roro vessels entering the roro terminal. The place where over half a million truck trailers go annually and connect Sweden with the rest of Europe. So this week the week continued in Gothenburg harbor, with stable traffic and handling in the terminals.

We expect a certain drop in volume given the wide social impact the virus has. At the same time, we also see an influx of goods being moved from smaller ports to us, which is a larger hub of goods. But it is still too early to summarize the effects, says Elvir Dzanic.

While freight traffic continues to function well in all terminals, major disruptions in passenger traffic are evident. Stena Line’s German traffic continues while the Danish lines have been forced to pause passenger traffic to and from Denmark due to Danish restrictions.

We have a close dialogue with all partners in the Freight Hub such as Stena Line, APM Terminal, Logent, Gothenburg Ro / Ro Terminals, the Energy Port, the Swedish Maritime Administration and other authorities and industry organizations, says Elvir Dzanic.

Reference: Port Of Gothenbur

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