Particularly as regards the La Spezia Container Terminal, as Città della Spezia told yesterday, in reporting a particularly difficult day also due to a failure in the terminal’s computer system.
“The problem is always the same: the operators – Stefano Ciliento, the president of the local section of Confartigianato Trasporti, explained to the La Spezia newspaper – are forced to collect MSC containers at the port.
The lack of voids is a widespread problem worldwide, but even when there are, the situation in La Spezia remains very difficult. We thank the Port Authority for the attempt to resolve the problem, but unfortunately the situation has not changed much
Yesterday the absence of MSC empty was widespread throughout Italy but today that the containers have arrived it is not clear whether the company is unable or unwilling to take them to Santo Stefano.
It is unsustainable for our sector to carry out transport for all customers who use the MSC company: every day these are diverted without a valid reason from Santo Stefano to the port for the collection of the empty spaces and this involves pollution, consumption, costs and waiting hours. , with the real risk of also losing orders, given that once in port between the queue to enter the airport and the one inside, even 4 hours pass.
The climax was recorded today, with the problem of the computer system that led some transported to wait from 7.30 to 12.30. And losing 5 hours for those who have to go to Varese, Turin, Como … risks losing an entire day of work, and consequently also turnover and earnings, for carriers and companies “.