At Luka Koper we are aware of the impacts of port activity on the environment. The company’s business policy pursues prudent management of the environment to preserve it for the generations to come. Monitoring and managing environmental impacts has thus become part of the regular activities of the company.
In 2000, Luka Koper was one of the first European and the only Mediterranean port to establish an environment management system according to the ISO 14001 standardapplying to all port activities, and we are constantly building upon it. In May 2006 the standard was upgraded to ISO 14001:2004.
In 2010 Luka Koper gained the EMAScertificate and became compliant with the very highest environment protection criteria.The company regularly monitors and supervises the environmental impacts of port activities in co-operation with the presiding expert institutions.
Luka Koper treats the area of environment management as a whole. The fact that Luka Koper, d.d. manages the entire area of the port makes it possible to implement the protection system at all terminals and in all its activities.
Pursuant to the new legal requirements, Mrs Franka Cepak was appointed Environmental Manager. Her responsibility is to oversees the system.
With the help and inspection of presiding expert institutions, the company regularly monitors substance and noise emissions.
The company provides for plant-scaping of the port area and in this way improves its appearance.
We also monitor the use of technological sources, those being water and electricity.
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The company systematically manages waste. It has introduced separate collection of waste and materials for recycling. A modern waste management centre has been built. The quantity of unusable waste has deceased considerably, the cleanliness and appearance of our working environment has improved, and at the same time our operations have become more cost-effective. At present, more than 70% of all waste in the port is collected separately and forwarded to recycling.
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The environment management system includes all employees, who also regularly undergo training. The Environmental Manager attends international seminars and conferences as well.