Industry Round Tables
Ben van Scherpenzeel represents the Port of Rotterdam in the IMO Global Industry Alliance to support Low Carbon Shipping and the WPCAP port network (World Ports Climate Action Programme). He is also the chairman of the International Taskforce Port Call Optimization, which organised six Industry Round Tables with experts from shipping and ports last year.
“At these sessions, the data elements which had most impact on the safety, security, and environmental objectives of the IMO were identified, in addition to the operational matters with the strongest impact on emissions. This was the basis for working with the IMO GIA and WPCAP on a short list of measures to reduce the carbon footprint in shipping. Of some twenty measures discussed at the session, eight were selected on the basis of feasibility, quick deployment, and favourable secondary effects on safety and security. These measures are about improved planning of routing and turnaround times in and between ports, changing fuel in ports, offering hull cleaning activities, and speed optimisation.”
These measures are about improved planning of routing and turnaround times in and between ports, changing fuel in ports, offering hull cleaning activities, and speed optimisation.