
Ports : Port Bronka strengths support for Russian participants in foreign economic activity


Port Bronka continues to strengthen the support for Russian participants in foreign economic activity in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

The port provides the possibility of cargo accumulation without additional financial burden on cargo owners until the end of 2020. This will allow to store of export goods up to 60 free days, and import goods up to 30 free days at the port yard. This measure is applicable to all cargoes that will arrive at the port before the end of the year.

The support from the Russian Government will help the affected industries recover, but the impact of the economic shock will have long-term consequences,” said Mr. Nikita Murov, CEO of Bronka Group LLC. “At such circumstances, the actions of system-forming, infrastructure enterprises are crucial. Business needs support and stability, which is provided by the actions of port Bronka. Our initiative is aimed at minimizing the costs of all participants in the logistics chain, which will ultimately favorably affect the availability and cost of products for the end user.»

These are not the first measures taken by port Bronka to support participants in foreign economic activity who are in a difficult situation due to the development of COVID-19. Earlier, in mid-April 2020, the port has already provided additional space for foreign trade participants to accommodate goods. Thus, cargo was able to stay on the territory of the port twice as long as usual without additional financial burden on cargo owners.

Port Bronka is the only deep-water port in St.Petersburg. The port handles container, project, break bulk and ro-ro cargo. The current capacity of the port is 500 000 TEU and 130.000 units of ro-ro cargo per year. The further development plan includes an increase in the container cargo capacity to 1.9 million TEU per year and ro-ro cargo – up to 200.000 units per year.

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