
Ports: Sweden’s first inland shipping shuttle service introduced between Stockholm Norvik and Port of Västerå

eBlue_economy_Sweden’s first inland shipping shuttle service introduced between Stockholm Norvik and Port of Vä
May 2021 sees the start of Sweden’s first container barge shuttle service on inland waterways between the newly opened Stockholm Norvik Port and Port of Västerås. Services will be operated by the German shipping company Deymann.
The German shipping company Reederie Deymann is introducing the EU inland waterway classed container barge Emelie Deymann into Lake Mälaren to operate services linking Stockholm Norvik Port to the Port of Västerås. This is the first inland waterway cargo barge shuttle service in Sweden and will reduce congestion on the crowded road network in the region, as well as substantially reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Services are expected to commence before the end of May, with two sailings each week
“Sweden’s national cargo transport strategy is based on the future vision of shipping playing a key role in creating modern, efficient and sustainable transport. The cargo shuttle service between Stockholm Norvik and Västerås is exactly aligned with governmental strategy. This represents a major step in transitioning from reduced road haulage to more waterborne transport, and it is especially pleasing that it involves a vessel operating on our inland waterways,” says Pia Berglund, National Coordinator for Domestic and Short Sea Shipping at the Swedish Transport Agency.

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Stockholm Norvik Port is the container terminal located closest to the area that is by far Sweden’s largest consumer region. The approach is closer to the open sea than any other port on the Swedish east coast. Introduction of this new inland shipping shuttle service provides the possibility to sustainably transport goods as close to their end destination as possible.
“We are extremely positive about inland waterway transport. This provides us with a unique opportunity for more efficient transport options in the Stockholm region, reduced congestion on our roads, and additional service offerings for our customers,” states Nicklas Ebersson, Marketing Manager Cargo at Ports of Stockholm.
The cargo shuttle service is the first example in Sweden of what is known throughout the EU as the fifth mode of transportation, using smaller EU inland waterway classed vessels. The EU classed vessel Emelie Deymann is shallow keeled, 110 metres in length and has the capacity to carry 208 TEUs.
Stockholm Norvik Port is run by Hutchison Ports, one of the world’s largest container terminal operators, with 53 ports in 27 countries.
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