
Quarantines pandemic hits container shipping, Chile leading

eBlue _economy_Quarantines pandemic hits container shipping, Chile leading

One more mega container ship, this time MSC LAUREN, was caught with two crew “positive tests” at San Antonio, Chile, right after arrival from Callao, Peru, on Jan 14. All the usual routine – PCR tests, the ship’s to move to Valparaiso anchorage, for “quarantine”. On Jan 12, GUAYAQUIL EXPRESS was knocked out of service by just one positive antigen test, has been moved to Valparaiso, and was put under “quarantine”. MSC LAUREN is the latest in a series of 4 ships, disabled by Chilean health authorities during last 11 days (two mentioned above plus MSC BRANKA and MT ARICA)– a record probably, worth of Guinness?

On the other side of the world, meanwhile, in Greenock UK, MSC feeder MSC SAMIRA III crew returned positive lateral flow tests, plus two of the crew experiencing severe symptoms of whatever, it wasn’t specified.


MSC LAUREN is something of a pet for Chilean medics – she is caught in quarantine second time, first time (same port, same everything) in Sep last year, with just one positive test.

Container Ship MSC LAUREN is currently located at WCSA – West South America at position 33° 32′ 33.6″ S, 071° 55′ 20.4″ Was reported by MarineTraffic Terrestrial Automatic Identification System on 2022-01-14 18:03 UTC (3 minutes ago)
The wind in this area at that time blows from Southwest direction at force 5 Beaufort.
The vessel departed from SAN ANTONIO, CL on 2022-01-14 12:15 LT (UTC -3) and is currently sailing at 2.4 knots in the Northeast direction
MSC LAUREN (IMO: 9467407) is a Container Ship that was built in 2011 (11 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Panama.
Its carrying capacity is 12400 TEU and her current draught is reported to be 13.8 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 365.85 meters and her width is 48.44 meters.

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