Reminder: Roberts Bank Terminal 2
The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) is holding a public comment period on the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project until February 13, 2022. Once the public comment period ends, IAAC will take the feedback they receive on the draft conditions and our response to the federal government’s August 2020 information request to develop final conditions that will inform the federal decision-making process.
We are hopeful that a decision on the project will be made as quickly as possible. If Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is not built soon, there will be detrimental effects to the Canadian economy. For example, supply chain congestion experienced during the pandemic will likely become a regular occurrence, plus Canadian importers and exporters will likely need to ship goods via U.S. ports, increasing costs and reducing benefits to Canadians.
In 2017, the Port of Vancouver handled 3.25 million TEUs of marine containers at its four container terminals, representing an estimated 51 percent of Canada’s offshore container trade.
The Port of Vancouver provides Canada with the ability to export and import goods in shipping containers to and from about 170 trading economies worldwide, the largest of which are China, Japan, and Korea.
Led by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project would play an important role in being ready to support Canadian businesses shipping goods to and from markets, and ensuring we can keep Canada open and competitive for trad
Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is a proposed new marine container terminal on Canada’s west coast led by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. As part of our federal mandate to protect the environment and consider local communities, we conducted a series of studies to better understand existing conditions at Roberts Bank. We established technical advisory groups to gather expert advice on the Roberts Bank ecosystem. Environmental work, including scientific fieldwork at Roberts Bank, is ongoing and we continue to engage with communities and consult with Indigenous groups. If approved and built, Roberts Bank Terminal 2 will play a critical role in supporting Canadian businesses, exporters, and consumers across the country. The project will create local, well-paying jobs, and will help strengthen the Canadian economy.
The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project involves the construction of a new three-berth marine container terminal in the Port of Vancouver in Delta, British Columbia. The terminal would be located in deep, subtidal waters to minimize environmental effects. The project, if approved by the federal government, will be funded by the financially self-sufficient port authority and private investment, not tax dollars.