Following constructive consultations Deltalinqs, the Association of Rotterdam Shipbrokers (VRC), and the Port of Rotterdam Authority have reached an agreement on the port tariffs for the next three years. The tariffs are in line with inflation and the most recent developments in the market. The tariffs apply to both inland and maritime shipping.
The indexation of the port tariffs for 2022 amounts to 2.5 percent. For the two subsequent years, these amount to 2.4 and 2.3 percent, respectively. The Port Authority also applies a number of discount schemes for port charges, including for sustainable ships and frequent visitors. For the latter category, two regulations will be adjusted.
Improving competitiveness
Deltalinqs, the representative of the business community in Mainport Rotterdam, represents more than 95 percent of all logistics, port, and industrial companies in the port of Rotterdam. Victor van der Chijs, Deltalinqs Chairman: “Using the port dues to invest in an efficient and sustainable port is a must for improving our competitiveness.”
Kees Groeneveld, VRC Chairman, adds: “In order to provide substance to this drive, discussions will take place on how the exchange of data and further digitalization can be used in an even more targeted way to increase the efficiency of the port. The port base will play a central role in this connection.”
Clarity and stability
“We, too, are pleased with the outcome, especially because it was achieved by way of good mutual consultation,” Allard Castelein, president and CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority says. “We have managed to arrive at tariffs and discounts per segment that are competitive in comparison to the other ports, that represent market developments in the relevant segment and that reflect the social costs and benefits. The fact that they are fixed for the next three years also ensures clarity and stability.”
Sustainable shipping
The discussion partners – Deltalinqs, VRC, and the Port of Rotterdam Authority – have also agreed to investigate how the port of Rotterdam can further expand its leading role in sustainable shipping.
New inland port dues system
The Port Authority also announced that it is working on a new inland port dues system that will replace the current web portal as of 1 January 2023. This new system allows for automatic declarations in addition to manual declarations and for payment in proportion to use. The sector organisations Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart, Koninklijke BLN-Schuttevaer and Algemeene Schippers Vereeniging are involved in the modernisation of the system.