
Shipbuilding : Damen Maaskant reaches milestone in Rederij Long Ships trawler construction

Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam has reached a major milestone in its construction of a 38-metre trawler for Belgium-based Rederij Long Ships. The hull has been launched into the water in Poland and has been transported to Stellendam for further outfitting.
Speaking on the occasion of the Z91 Franson, Rederij Long Ships owner Eddie Cattoor thanked the personnel of the Gdansk yard for all their efforts throughout a hard winter. He said, “I expect a lot from Franson. First and foremost to bring in food from the wide seas. Food that will supply a growing world population.

Damen Maaskant to build a new 38-metre long Beam Trawler for Rederij Long Ships

She will also play an economically important role, contributing to the Flemish economy and employment in the ports and fish trade and especially in creating a livelihood for our Flemish fishermen.
“They will experience job satisfaction in the Franson, which is a safe, efficient and ergonomic ship. A ship that meets all modern and contemporary requirements and that will be further completed with the best accommodation for the crew, who have to work hard for many days at sea.”
Franson is a new design, the BT3808. She features the maximum tonnage and length permitted by the Belgian Maritime Inspectorate. Maaskant have modified the vessel in order to realise a 12% increase in bollard pull during trawling.
Rederij Long Ships was founded in 1934 by the current owner’s grandfather. This latest addition to the company’s fleet will replace the vessel Z90 Francine. It will be used to fish year round in the waters of the North Sea and the Skagerak and, in the summer, the Bay of Biscay.
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