
Shipbuilding : Rem Offshore and VARD signed contracts for the design and construction of Construction Service Operations Vessels

eBlue_economy_Rem Offshore and VARD signed contracts for the design and construction of Construction Service Operations Vessels

Tailor-made for worldwide services and maintenance operations at offshore wind farms

VARD announces the contracts of two Construction Service Operations Vessels (CSOVs) with an option for two additional vessels. The contracts for the firm two vessels have an indicative total value of euro 100 million.

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The CSOVs are tailor-made for worldwide services and maintenance operations at offshore wind farms. The VARD 4 19 design, developed by Vard Design in Ålesund, Norway, is a highly versatile platform for all offshore windfarm support operations, focusing on onboard logistics, security, comfort, and superior operability.

Rem Offshore | LinkedIn

The first vessel will be delivered from VARD in Norway in the first half of 2023. The hull will be built at Vard Braila in Romania. The second vessel will be built and delivered by Vard Vung Tau in Vietnam, scheduled for delivery in 2024. VARD’s specialized high technology subsidiaries will be involved with major deliveries on board and in the shipbuilding process of the vessels.

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