
Shipping Lines : Signing of a Long-term Consecutive Voyage Charter for a LNG-fueled Capsize Bulk Carrier with JFE Steel Corporation

eBlue_economy_Signing of a Long-term Consecutive Voyage Charter for a LNG-fueled Capesize Bulk Carrier
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) has signed a long-term consecutive voyage charter with JFE Steel Corporation regarding the upcoming new built
Capesize bulk carrier (210,000 DWT) fueled by liquefied natural gas ( LNG)
The construction of our first LNG-fueled bulk carrier will be ordered to NIHON SHIPYARD COL LTD.and the vessel is scheduled to be delivered in half of 2024
The vessel is called a “next-generation vessel” coping with environmental issues. It will reduce the emissions of CO2, by 25 to 30 %, SOX by almost, and
NOx by around 85% with the use of LNG instead of conventional heavy fuel oil, Moreover, the vessel reaches more than 40% of CO2 emission reduction in the
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) fully aligns with the
reduction target of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).  K LINEwillalso install” seawing ” an automated kite an automated kit system utilizing wind power supplied by Airsea to increase the effects of decarbonization “

No description available.

“K” LINE has been promoting a corporative policy of “sustainable management” in terms of environment, society, and economy to satisfy global needs concerning climate change and SDGs continuously now and future
The introduction of the next-generation vessel is one of the projects
within this sustainable management approach. It will be a significant step for us to stimulate the well-being of society as an integrated logistic company
the well-being of society as an integrated logistics company with ” K ” LINE Environmental Vision 2050
   KLINE will flexibly and proactively listen to customer demands including environmental issues, and the best solution to contribute to the sustainable development of society
<Outline of the Vessel>
Dimension :
approx. LOA 299.99 meters x Breadth 50.00 meters x Depth 25.00 meters x Draft 18.40meters
D/W: approx.210,000 tons
G/T: approx.110,800
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