
Two Ukrainian sailors in a row died on bulk carrier without obvious cause

eBlue_economy_Two Ukrainian sailors in a row died on bulk carrier without obvious cause

Two Ukrainian sailors died on board of bulk carrier AP ASTAREA, anchored at Chittagong Anchorage, on Sep 30, one after another, without any obvious cause or illness, according to local sources. One was said by local medics to die from most probably, a heart attack, or so it looked. Medics said no covid symptoms or signs were found. Bodies were taken to the hospital, to undergo an autopsy. The bulk carrier arrived at Chittagong Anchorage on Sep 19 with a cargo of urea, from Sokhna Egypt, urea reportedly, originated from Belarus. After offloading 35,000 tons at Chittagong Anchorage, the bulk carrier is to sail to Mongla, to offload the remaining 20,000 tons.

Added: The wind in this area at that time blows from Southwest direction at force 3 Beaufort.
The vessel is currently at port CHITTAGONG ANCH, BD after a voyage of 22 days, 9 hours originating from port SOKHNA, EG.
AP ASTAREA (IMO: 9475777) is a Bulk Carrier that was built in 2012 (9 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Marshall Is.
Its carrying capacity is 57300 t DWT and her current draught is reported to be 8.9 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 190 meters and her width is 32.26 meters.

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