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UK Maritime Industry Leaders Discuss ABS Advances in Technology, Sustainability and the Future of Classification

(LONDON) ABS brought together UK maritime industry leaders to discuss the latest advances in sustainability and digital classification.

The UK National Committee Meeting heard how the ABS-classed fleet had grown to 279 million gross tons and secured the number one position in global order book share.

They were given a glimpse of the future of classification, with presentations on the latest ABS technology advancements and pioneering developments in the field of digital class along with how ABS is advancing its industry-leading approach to continuous learning and development to prepare its workforce now and for the future.

“ABS is at the forefront of the industry’s response to the decarbonization challenge. We are pioneering new sustainability strategies and services to support our clients and members through their decarbonization journey.

Because the sustainability challenge is too big for any one company to meet on its own, we are leading industry collaboration with joint development projects with partners all over the world, including here in the UK,” said Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman, President, and CEO.

ABS continues to hold a leadership position as a global class organization in the UK and maintains a strong position in the new construction market while working with many forward-looking owners on a range of innovative projects.

Michael Parker, Chairman of Global Logistics, Shipping and Offshore for Citi, and Chairman of the Poseidon Principles Association gave a presentation titled How the Maritime Community Came Together to Lead Decarbonization of the Global Economy.

The Committee heard about the best-in-class safety performance of ABS; how superior Port State Control performance and strong fleet safety performance underline its focus on safety and its mission. Committee members were also briefed on the latest developments in the dynamic regulatory environment and given a detailed breakdown of the industry’s sustainability challenges and ABS’ services for the industry.

Profile photo of Graham Westgarth

“The UK Committee brings together highly experienced figures from across the industry. They provide diverse perspectives and insights on the “perfect storm” of challenges that we face,” said Graham Westgarth, CEO of V Group and ABS UK National Committee Chairman. “The debate we have across our Committee helps guide ABS in its mission to develop solutions and services that will help us meet those challenges without compromising on safety.”

The Committee meetings are a forum for ABS members, including owners, operators, charterers, and industry representatives from flag administrations, owner associations, and the shipbuilding and insurance sectors, to come together with ABS leaders and discuss industry issues and developments. These forums are an important part of an ongoing dialogue with the industry to address technical, operational, and regulatory challenges.

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About ABS


ABS, a leading global provider of classification and technical advisory services to the marine and offshore industries, is committed to setting standards for safety and excellence in design and construction. Focused on the safe and practical application of advanced technologies and digital solutions,

ABS works with industry and clients to develop accurate and cost-effective compliance, optimized performance, and operational efficiency for marine and offshore assets.

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