
فرصة تعلم رياضة الغوص معنا كورسات لتصبح مدربا محترفا

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PADI Open Water Diver course :

PADI Open Water Diver course is the most famous diving course in the world and it opens for you the door to the fascinating and exciting world beneath the surface of the water.
The Red Sea around Hurghada offers you the optimal conditions.
With us, you can expect an incredible diversity of marine life and year-round pleasant water temperatures.
If scuba diving ever attracted you, then the internationally recognized “PADI Open Water Diver” certificate is the right way to achieve your goal.
Would you like to learn diving during your holiday in the Egypt Red Sea? Then choose the course PADI Open Water Diver with us at Hurghada Diving!

Course contents:

The course lasts 4 days and consists of 7-8 dives.
Day 1: Theoretical introduction to the basics, 1 dive to 2-3 meters depth in a lagoon with practical exercises
Day 2: 2 dives to 10-12 meters with further practical exercises, preparation for the theoretical exam
Day 3: 2 dives to 12-18 meters and deepening of already acquired knowledge
Day 4: 2 dives to 12-18 meters, theoretical exam

After passing the exam you can dive to a depth of 18 m

 Course Requirements:

Minimum age 10 years
Normal swimming skill
Good physical condition

The program includes (PADI Open Water Diver Course)

4 days diving
7 dives from the boat
certificate, textbook, and logbook
all equipment is provided
Lunch and drinks
Transfer within Hurghada
Price: 360 euro

hard hat diving suit

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver is an advanced course of the PADI Open Water Divers, in which one develops through so-called adventure dives. The Advanced Open Water Diver course is an exciting and challenging new experience for divers who already have the basic knowledge. Therefore, diving beginners who have just completed and passed the PADI OWD can participate, as well as advanced divers. Under the supervision of one of our professional driving instructors, you will be guided through the various training areas.
If you’re already a certified open water diver, you’ll only need to complete two obligatory dives (deep & navigation) and three optional dives to become an Advanced Open Water Diver. PADI AOWD is a great way to further improve your scuba diving skills and gain opportunities to join safari dives safely.

 Course contents:

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course consists of five adventure dives, which are completed on 2 days. Underwater navigation and deep diving are an integral part of the training. The other three dives are freely selectable. Examples of adventure dives are wreck diving, drift diving, night diving or perfect buoyancy. Depending on where your interests lie, you can also choose to identify fish, digital underwater photography or something completely different. our instructors and all the team are happy to assist you in this regard.
In adventure dive you will learn how to make safely dive plan and complete the dives at depths of 22-30 meters, taking into account the physiological effects and challenges.
The underwater navigation dive teaches you to “read” the underwater orientation.
The goal is to be able to orientate yourself safely underwater with different details. Furthermore, you will learn the navigation with the compass

Course Requirements:

PADI OWD or any equivalent
Minimum age 12 years
Normal swimming skill
Good physical condition

The program includes (PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course)

2 days diving
5 dives from the boat
Brevet (certificate), textbook
all equipment is provided
Lunch and drinks
Transfer within Hurghada          Price: 270 euro
Emergency First Response (EFR)
Learn First Aid in just one day
We get to the point. In just one day, you learn the topics that are really important in an emergency to be first responders. Short, concise, and always with a view to the necessary

Course contents

 We give you enough space to try out all the practical measures yourself and to refresh your knowledge. In no time you will learn how easy life can be. This gives you security when you are challenged in an emergency.
Our trainers are always on hand to assist you in the course. With the ongoing emergency medical and pedagogical training of our instructors, we ensure that their content and methodology
 The program includes (Emergency First Response – EFR
4 hours
Certificate and Manuel book
Training in the classroom
Transfer within Hurghada
Price: 140 euro

PADI Course Diver – Rescuer (Rescue Diver Course).

Most PADI courses develop the ability to take care of themselves and check the actions of a partner. Passing the course PADI Diver – Rescue, you take your first steps in acquiring skills not only to take care of people, but also to maintain their confidence and prevent possible trouble before even it happens and you want to be safe when diving into exceptional situations or you want to avoid accidents underwater, help in an emergency, or just want to become a better dive buddy? Then the PADI Rescue Diver course is just the right choice for you. Scuba divers who have successfully completed the PADI Rescue Diver course describe it as extremely challenging and profitable. Take a step to become a more responsible diver and order your PADI Rescue Course at Hurghada Diving!

 Course contents:

The course lasts 4 days and consists of 8 dives with different exercises. He prepares you to recognize smaller or more serious diving emergencies, or at best to avoid them.
The Rescue Diver course teaches you to recognize stress in other divers and to save panicked or unconscious divers. Different scenarios teach you what to look for and how to react to different situations. You will learn how to deal with dive accident scenarios and to follow rescue procedures.
During the course, you will use, among other things, a pocket mask in addition to the normal diving equipment to practice the revival in the water.
During the exercises, you will also be working with an oxygen unit, floats, marker buoys, and a reanimation dummy.
Your self-confidence will be strengthened and you will become a better dive buddy with your advanced skills.

Course Requirements:

Minimum age 15 years
Completed first aid course in the last 24 months
Sufficient swimming skills
Good physical condition
4 days diving
8 dives from the boat
First Aid Course (prerequisite)
All equipment is provided
Certificate, textbook
Lunch and drinks
Transfer within Hurghada      
  Price:390 euro                                                                                          
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