
Breaking News : COVID-19 P&I Insurance Coverage & Seafarers’ Rights

London. UK. Human Rights at Sea today issues the latest of its Insight Briefing Notes covering P&I Insurance Coverage & Seafarers’ Rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researched by Jessie Santana-Carvalho LL.M. (Maritime Law), the Briefing Note outlines key considerations for seafarers, as well as considerations for P&I clubs. The document was submitted to the International Group of P&I Clubs.


Maritime transport is the predominant engine of global trade and economic growth. The pace of this engine was heavily disrupted by the persistence and intensification of the COVID-19 pandemic; thereby plunging the world into disarray as continually observed with nations wrestling to contain the virus expediently and efficiently before it impedes the import and export of affordable food and goods.

The acceleration of this crisis placed an enormous toll upon trade, tourism, and safety at work in a manner that has sharpened the collective thought process of shipowners’ ongoing operations and their protection and indemnity (P&I) coverage.

Quarantine rules within P&I cover had never come under scrutiny, until this pandemic exposed an undeniable pattern of systemic risk. Whilst giving up civic freedoms to save lives might serve well in the interim; to manage such a widespread health crisis, such quarantine measures are not without social and economic consequence.

Ship owners have been compelled to navigate complex restrictions to mitigate the risk of their liability

Coverage & Seafarers’ Rights

“Quarantine rules within P&I cover had never come under scrutiny, until this pandemic exposed an undeniable pattern of systemic risk.” Download our latest Insight Briefing Note (14 MB) covering the expected cover from P&I insurance during the COVID-19 pande

Press release

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