
Breaking News : Serious fire aboard Grimaldi’s Euroferry Olympia Ro Ro ( Details ) (VIDEO )

eBlue_economy_Grave incendio a bordo del ro-ro Euroferry Olympia di Grimaldi (VIDEO)

A fire, the causes of which at the time of writing are still unknown, broke out last night aboard the Italian-flagged Euroferry Olympia ro-ro ship connecting the Greek city of Igoumenitsa to Brindisi. It happened off the north coast of the island of Corfu, between Greece and Albania. Onboard the […]

The Italian – flagged Euroferry Pllymiwas headed to the port of Brindisi from the Greek City of Igoumenitsa when the fire broke out on Friday morning near the island of Corfu in the lonian sea.


The coast guard said 237 passengers and 51 crew numbers were onboard all passengers are safe and on rescue boats, the Greek secretary of state for the merchant navy, Kostas katsafados , told Greek Radio Station Sky. The passengers and crew were being taken to Corfu, authorities said: No casualties have been reported and police said their tug boats and their patrol boats were sent to help passengers.

The Greek guard said that the incident took place around 4,30 AM ( 0130 GMT ) on the northern coast of Corfu, between Greece  and Albania According to Geek Coast Guard the cause of the fire is not yet Known and investigation has begun


The ferry was in fact completely evacuated according to reports from sources of the Italian Coast Guard, which from the first moment of the accident was in contact with the Greek one, which coordinated the rescue. There are currently no injuries. Of the 288 people on board, 242 were rescued by a patrol boat of the Guardia di Finanza that was in the area. The fire would have broken out in one of the holds of the ship which mainly carried trucks and semi-trailers. The Crisis Unit of the Grimaldi Euromed company, owner of the ferry, is meeting to follow the evolution of the situation and to ascertain whether people are involved. According to the Greek media, all the people on board are safe and are in the lifeboats. This is the note released a little while ago by the Grimaldi Group on the accident that took place about 10 miles north of the island of Corfu.

Euroferry Olympia incendio

“At 04:12 (local time) the Commander of the ship contacted the headquarters of the Group informing that the fire would occur in garage No. 3. The ship’s crew immediately intervened to put out the fire with the onboard vehicles while the Commander and the Group staff, through the “emergency response team”, promptly notified the incident to the competent national and Greek authorities, and took all necessary measures to manage the accident in the best possible way.
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For the safety of those present on board, the Captain decided to abandon the ship. From the first information, the evacuated people were rescued by a unit of the Italian Guardia di Finanza and one of the Greek Coast Guard who was in the area. These units are heading to the port of Corfu where the Group is organizing assistance for the evacuees on the spot. Onboard the ship there were 239 passengers, of various nationalities, and 51 crew members (Italian and Greek). In addition, the ship carries 153 commercial vehicles (including trucks and semi-trailers), as well as 32 vehicles accompanying passengers.
Frontex on Twitter: "In cooperation with Hellenic Coast Guard, our agency held a Search and Rescue exercise around the Greek island of Samos. Taking part were officers from Germany, Portugal and Latvia.
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