
Container ship FESCO Sofia joins the FESCO fleet

eBlue_economy_Container ship FESCO Sofia joins the FESCO fleet

FESCO Transportation Group (FESCO) welcomes a container ship named FESCO Sofia to its fleet.

The vessel will operate on the FESCO China Express Line, which carries out transportations between ports of the Far East of Russia and China. FESCO Sofia will carry out its first voyage at the end of October.

The length of the container ship is 222.45 meters, width – 32.24  meters, deadweight – 41 745 tons, capacity – 3 091 TEUs. FESCO Sofia can carry up to 500 refrigerated containers. The vessel is equipped with three cranes with a lifting capacity of 45 tons each. Its crew consists of 17 people, Igor Savushkin is the captain.

The Group already operates two vessels of the same type – FESCO Dalnegorsk and FESCO Diomid.

FESCO is implementing a long-term fleet renewal program. FESCO Sofia is the fourth vessel acquired in the last year and a half. In 2020, the fleet was supplemented by universal bulk carriers FESCO Ulises and FESCO Paris, and in September 2021 – by container ship FESCO Yanina. In the near future, the fleet will be enlarged with yet another vessel.

FESCO SOFIA, Container Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9237503  MMSI 210315000 - VesselFinder

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