
EVENTS : Webinar for Careers Professionals

We invite careers professionals to join us for a ‘Careers in the maritime sector’ webinar. It is designed to help those providing careers advice and guidance within schools and colleges to better understand the maritime sector and the career opportunities it offers for young people.

The session will be led by Programme Manager, Lorna Wagner, who holds an OCR Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development, and was Head of Learner Journey at an FE college before joining Maritime UK.

This is the first event for our new Careers Professionals Network, and is being held on Wednesday 22 July at 10:30.

We will: 

  • Learn a little about the careers and outreach work that Maritime UK is doing and the Dept for Transport Maritime 2050 strategy
  • Discuss the main industries in the sector, careers at sea and those on shore
  • Look at apprenticeships and cadetships and learn about the differences
  • Learn about career opportunities in the leisure and ports industries

 We will have some employers / training providers who are going to join us as speakers 

First name*

Last name*



UK Nation or Region

Please Select Scotland NW England NE England Northern Ireland Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South West South East Wales

  • My school/college is by the sea
  • We have alumni working in the maritime sector

Do you work in a secondary school or post 16 college?

  • Secondary school
  • Post 16 college
  • Other


  • Weekly Update
  • Events
  • Diversity in Maritime
  • Maritime Careers Campaign
  • Maritime Skills Commission
  • Tick if you are you interested in joining the Careers Professionals network?

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