
EVENTS : ESPO Conference Regatta 2021-25-28 May-Last call for a first-class port event

eBlue_economy_22ESPO Conference Regatta 2021-25-28 May-Last call for a first-class port event

The theme for this year’s conference is “Europe’s ports at the crossroads of transitions

From 25 to 28 May, the European port industry is gathering for the 17th edition of the ESPO Conference. This year, ESPO will take you on a trip through Europe without you leaving your seat! The Conference Regatta is crossing Europe from South to North. You can attend the whole conference or only one day of this online event, and benefit from the family rate if five or more people from your organisation are joining.
The three host ports, Port of Valencia, North Sea Port and Port of Oslo, are showing the best of themselves to offer all speakers and delegates an exceptional platform for discussion. ESPO Conferences are more than just a conference and, this time again, we have found ways to make you move and – why not – have a good time
An impressive line up of high level policy makers and MEPs will be part of the ESPO Conference Regatta 2021 when on 26 May, they are to discuss mobility & strategy, ports, TEN-T review and the Green recovery.
The theme for this year’s conference is “Europe’s ports at the crossroads of transitions”. The health and related economic crisis the world is going through, combined with the green and digital transitions, mean a major transformation of Europe’s economy and society. This is probably the perfect storm for Europe’s ports and port industry.
Being at the crossroads of these transitions, Europe’s seaports can play a crucial role in preparing Europe’s economy and society for a strong and resilient future. The Conference Regatta will be touching on all of these game changers and aims to offer a unique platform for exchange of views and solutions. There is so much to talk about!
So, book now for this unique event, if you want to have an economic outlook of European ports and be part of a discussion on the changing role of ports, if you want to know more about the main EU policy issues of importance to the European port and maritime industry, or if you want to learn about the best pathways to the greening of shipping and to know what ports are doing on their journey to becoming zero-emission areas.
The Conference Regatta features an impressive line-up of high-level speakers ranging from top EU decision makers and port CEOs to maritime experts, academics and some off-the-beaten-track keynote speakers.
And since it is time to move on and prepare for life after the pandemic, we have set up a dedicated session with a sport coach and physiotherapist who will tell you all you need to know to stay healthy in these digital times..
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