
​ FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after an explosion, Delta State, Nigeria ( Videos )

eBlue_economy_ FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after explosion, Delta State Nigeria

Feb 3: A Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel TRINITY SPIRIT with a capacity to process up to 22,000 barrels of oil per day, inject up to 40,000 barrels of water per day and store 2 million barrels of oil, has exploded and sunk at the Ukpokiti Terminal, around Excravos, Warri South-west, Delta State, Nigeria.

According to the first information, ten workers were onboard the facilities, of which seven are missing, and three casualties feared.

The incident is confirmed by owner SEPCOL: “The management of Shebah Exploration & Production Company Ltd (SEPCOL) in receivership, hereby announces the unfortunate incident of a fire that engulfed our offshore facility, the FPSO Trinity Spirit located at the Ukpokiti Terminal, following an explosion during the early hours of Wednesday, 2nd of February 2022.

Information, video provided by salvage_and_wreck
Floating Production, Storage and Offloading FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT, IMO 7370325, dwt 274774, built 1976, off AIS for a long time, years probably. Owner Shebah Exploration and Production Company Limited (SEPCOL).

Floating Storage/Production TRINITY SPIRIT is currently located at an unknown area at position 00° 00′ 00.0″ N, 000° 00′ 00.0″ E as reported by MarineTraffic Terrestrial Automatic Identification System on null (****)

TRINITY SPIRIT (IMO: 7370325) is a Floating Storage/Production that was built in 1976 (46 years ago) .
Its carrying capacity is 274774 t DWT and her current draught is reported to be null meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 337.05 meters and her width is 54.5 meters.

New FleetMon Vessel Safety Risk Reports Available:

The Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) has launched an investigation into the Trinity Spirit disaster.

Sources: accidents by Mikhail Voytenko +Marine Traffic

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