
FSG books order for LNG-fueled RO/RO

eBlue_economy_FSG books order for LNG-fueled RO_RO

German shipbuilder Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) has won an order to build a 210 meter long LNG-fueled RO/RO contract for a RoRo vessel with LNG propulsion for Australian operator SeaRoad.

With the pandemic ruling out a face-to-face meeting in either Tasmania, where SeaRoad is based, or Germany, the finalized contract, worth more than EUR 100 million (about $117 million) was signed simultaneously via video link.

Work on the ship will start in Flensburg in winter 2021/2022 (summer 2021/2022 in Australia). Delivery to SeaRoad has been agreed upon for the last quarter of 2023.

LNG fueled RO/RO will be powered by main engines, each rated at 2 x 10,300 kW

The vessel will have 3,792 lane meters available for the carriage of freight units, plus capacity for over 100 commercial vehicles. A special requirement for the vessel is the capability to transport heavy cargo with a unit weight of up to 100 tonnes.

SeaRoad signs deal with FSG for new Bass Strait freighter | The Examiner |  Launceston, TAS

SeaRoad is a repeat FSG customer. The first RO/RO vessel “made in Flensburg”, the MS Searoad Mersey II joined the SeaRoad fleet in 2016. The second FSG-built vessel, MS Liekut, joined SeaRoad under a three-year charter agreement in April 2021.

“We’ve been very pleased with how the two FSG-built vessels in the SeaRoad fleet have performed from both an efficiency and operational perspective,” said Chas Kelly, executive chairman of SeaRoad. “We look forward to continuing our successful relationship with the German shipyard and their experienced staff. Sustainable design, leading technology, and the excellent quality of their vessels are all important elements.”

Maracke Takes The Helm At German Shipyard FSG

“We are proud to have brought this order to Flensburg as it is proof of the shipyard’s successful new start,” said Philipp Maracke, CEO of Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft, adds, This additional order by a long-standing customer equals an important vote of confidence in both this new model, as well as our established expertise as an innovative German newbuilding yard. Our aim is to combine superior quality and superior life-cycle value. With this new vessel, FSG and SeaRoad will make an important contribution to sustainable shipping.”

The new RoRo vessel will operate on the Bass Strait between Devonport, Tasmania, and Melbourne, Victoria,

Technical data of the RoRo vessel newbuilding 784 for SeaRoad (3D-Model: FSG)

Length: 210 metres
Width: 29.30 metres
Gross registered tonnage 43,100
Power main engines: 2 x 10,300 kilowatts
Deadweight: 12,183 tonnes
Speed: 22.50 knots
Cabins: 25 (27 berths)
Cargo capacities: 3,792 lane metres plus capacity for over 100 trade vehicles

Since its foundation in 1872 we have designed and built more than 750 ships, some of which of unique design and complexity the like submersible heavy lift, seismic, well intervention, RoRo, or strategic naval support.

Our core strength is the design and construction of tailor-made designs for those ship-owners and operators that require high reliability and optimization of their ship operations. Our success is based on a balanced combination of experience, advanced planning and production processes, strong design capabilities, and the drive to understand our client’s needs and requirements.

Categories: News, Shipbuilding Tags: Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft, RO/RO
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