
Incidents : Wind Turbine Blade Crashes into DEME’s jack

The accident happened on the morning of 2nd/3rd July

According to a spokesperson from Otary, “No injuries were reported as there were no employees on the gangway at the time of the incident.”

Following the incident, the turbine installation work was immediately paused.

For some minor repairs and re-installation of another Walk 2 Work gangway, Apollo returned to port of Ostend.

DEME jack up installation vessel resumed its activities at the SeaMade concession zone upon receiving the approval from MWS, on 7 July.

The root cause of the incident is currently being investigated.

SeaMade is Belgium’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm, with a capacity of 487 MW.

The SeaMade integrates two sites known as Mermaid 235 MW and Seastar 252 MW, which will feature 58 Siemens Gamesa SG 8.0-167 DD turbines in the Belgian exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the North Sea.

The 487 MW wind farm will comprise 58 Siemens Gamesa 8.4 MW turbines, recently began producing power to the Belgian grid.

The €1.3 billion (U$1.47 billion) wind farm is owned by Seamade, a joint venture of Otary (70%), Engie Electrabel (17.5%), and Eneco (12.5%). OWF will be operated from Otary’s logistics hub located in the port of Ostend.

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