
MAREK GRZYBOWSK write to eBlueeconomy : A zero-emission vessel production HUB and ICT & IT HUB were established

eBlue_economy_A zero-emission vessel

The Baltic Sea and Space Cluster established two HUBs during the hybrid conference which took place on October 29 at the CRIST shipyard. CRIST shipyard is the coordinator of the Baltic HUB for the production of zero-emission ships (Baltic ZEV HUB). CADOR is the coordinator of the Baltic ICT & AI HUB (Baltic ICT & AI HUB). Both companies operate in the Baltic Port of New Technologies of the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone.

The task of the Baltic ZEV HUB is to position the Polish production of zero-emission ships on the international market – said Jacek Milewski, financial director, board member of the CRIST Shipyard. He showed the integration of cooperators and processes on the example of the production of a hybrid ferry for an operator from Finland.

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Time for HUBs

CRIST showed a model example of how the HUB works, as a result of which an innovative product with a high contribution of Polish technological and organizational thought is created. The establishment of ZEV HUB is in line with the ZEVInnovation project, which is implemented under the Norwegian Grant, as well as the GALATEA Project carried out under the Horizon 2020 program – said Dr. Michał Igielski, managing the international projects of the BSSC Cluster.
Baltic ICT & AI HUB was established to integrate the latest solutions in the field of IT, artificial intelligence, and VR, which are used in maritime industries – said Grzegorz Kozłowski, President of CADOR.

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Time for HUBs

Digitization of processes and the use of artificial intelligence in maritime industries has become commonplace – said Krzysztof Anzelewicz, vice president of the Board of the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster, coordinator of the Polish part of the GALATEA Project. We found out about it by participating in seminars of the ZEVInnovation Project and in B2B meetings and Innovation Clubs as part of the

GALATEA Project.

After a short period of incubation and activities in the Triple Helix formula, the cluster, through participation in international projects, transformed into an organization operating in the Qudralupe Helix system. Today, the cluster is developing in the Pentagon Helix formula, integrating the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supporting social initiatives, local governments and administration, developing investor relations – said Marek Grzybowski. Today, the cluster’s activity is characterized by a holistic, integrative, and global approach, placing the activity of maritime industries in the economy 4.0.

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The Best Place for Cluster of HUBs

The BSSC cluster is an elite organization and brings together only companies with a strong brand and position on the international market, as well as innovative companies and institutions. The Cluster also has the Legal and Financial HUB and the Baltic Center for Economic Mediation (Lawyer Mateusz Romowicz and mediator Barbara Matysiak as the coordinators).

It was no coincidence that CRIST was chosen as the venue for the conference, during which the information on the launch of HUBs by the BSSC cluster was announced. CRIST belongs to the club of shipyards producing such innovative ships as hybrid vessels, ships for the offshore industry, or units for construction works in coastal areas. Unique vessels for servicing fish farms are being built in Gdynia’s docks.

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CADOR has many interesting implementations in the industry. CADOR makes its software available to educate students of the Gdańsk University of Technology who intend to continue their career in shipbuilding. An important information is that many elements of innovative units are being built in the Baltic Port of New Technologies and in its immediate vicinity.

So, although the HUBs will operate as part of the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster, they will be anchored in the Baltic Port of New Technologies, in a place where marine innovations are created in the computers and docks every day.

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