
No bunkering for Russian ships in Mediterranean bunker hubs

eBlue_economy_No bunkering for Russian ships in Mediterranean bunker hubs

(Reuters) Marine fuel sellers have stopped serving vessels flying the Russian flag at major European hubs including Spain and Malta, five industry sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters. One source said Russian-flagged ships couldn’t secure marine fuel in Malta, the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, or neighboring Algeciras in Spain – all major bunkering hubs in the Mediterranean.
Malta said the country was not allowing any Russian-flagged ships to come to its ports.

A transport ministry spokesperson with Spain’s Merchant Marine said it was “possible that certain providers are adopting these measures independently.”
A Gibraltar government spokesperson said port authorities would “reject calling requests by all ships either owned or operated by anyone connected to the country, not even for bunkering, in accordance to UK rules.”
The spokesperson said that as in Britain, foreign ships with Russian cargoes would be not be affected.
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