Naturally engaged,the independent French group is paving the way for more responsible freight in the cosmetics industry. Consciousof the environmental, social and ethical challengesofits activity, Clarins is actively involvedin the energy transition of its transport logistics.
In this search for solutions,the group has made a commitmentto NEOLINEand its project for amerchantfleet that uses sails as itsmain propulsion system.For Clarins, caring for the planet means first and foremost reducing the environmental impact of the group’s activities. Since 2020already, Clarins has achieved carbon neutrality (on scopes 1 and 2 and air freight).
By 2025, the company aims toreduceitscarbon footprint by 30%. Central to thisobjective isgreater control overresources and energy consumption and the creation of a virtuous ecosystem of partners and stakeholders
NEOLINE provides an innovative and unique solution, open to all shippers, which allows for a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions related to the shipping of goods on transatlantic lines, compared to a conventional ship of the same size. NEOLINE’s responsible shipping service relies on clean and renewable wind energy as the main propulsion for its cargo ships, measuring 136m and equipped with 4200 m2 of sails.
The pilot line, departing from Saint Nazaire – Montoir de Bretagne, will serve the ports of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Halifax and Baltimore with firstly 1 and then 2 ships in rotation to meet the needs of shippers and ensure a departure every two weeks.