
Topline Express Logistics Transport 2 Dryer Drum Shell Units

eBlue_economy_Topline Express Logistics Transport 2 Dryer Drum Shell Units

Topline Express Logistics (TEL) in China has successfully transported 2 units of dryer drum shells and their accessories from the manufacturer’s premises in Shandong Province to Qingdao Port.

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Each unit weighed 67,000kg and measured 24.90 x 4.15 x 4.35m. The biggest challenge for TEL was an under-construction flyover that the units would have to pass under on the way to the port. The clearance of the uncompleted section of the flyover was 5.3m high but would be reduced once completed.

The Logistics Department Manager at TEL, Ryo Hu explains; “We were not sure when the flyover would be completed when we were awarded this project so we needed to find out the schedule of the construction and move the dryer drum shells as early as possible and try to avoid the demurrage of the low-bed trucks as well.

We managed to get in contact with the right person responsible for the flyover construction through a friend in Qingdao and got the trucks moving quickly meaning the operations could be completed without much issue.”

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Two 90cm high low-bed trucks were used and there was only 20cm clearance when the trucks passed the flyover construction section as pictured in the gallery below.

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Project Cargo Network is an ISO-certified organization established in 2010 to provide heavy lift and project cargo specialists access to a trusted, worldwide network of agents who handle their specialist shipments, whilst working professionally and safely under a strict Code of Conduct. Today, PCN has an international presence that extends to over 260 specialist members in more than 115 countries.

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